Name Last Update
Docs Loading commit data...
bin Loading commit data...
config Loading commit data...
controllers Loading commit data...
models Loading commit data...
public Loading commit data...
routes Loading commit data...
views Loading commit data...
.gitignore Loading commit data...
LICENSE Loading commit data... Loading commit data...
app.js Loading commit data...
package.json Loading commit data...

Thalos: a secure and robust file storage system

Thalos allows internet users to securely store their files in the cloud. Thalos is secure by design since it uses asymmetric encryption to protect hosted content: no one who has physical or virtual access to the storage server can read or modify anything.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Thalos runs on NodeJS, please get NodeJS before trying Thalos. If you are using a red hat based linux distribution like Fedora you can do it easily with dnf package manager by typing in terminal

sudo dnf install nodejs

Also this applications needs a relational database, please choose one among those are supported by Sequelize ( The application was succesfully tested both with MariaDB and Postgres.

sudo dnf install mariadb


Now move in the cloned project directory and launch

npm install


npm start

Built With


This project is open source - see the LICENSE file for details